Emerald Evocation


Crystal Healing / Soul Retrieval / Reiki Healing Entity

Goddess of fractal healing. Oasis can heal at the fractal level. She can travel through time to always ensure the best possible outcome for her patients. She is an expert at Crystal healing, reiki healing, and can easily absorb the properties and abilities of any crystal or gem she comes in contact with. Additionally, Oasis is an expert at healing the soul and can perform soul retrievals as well. She is a healing force for good and is very compassionate, non-judgmental and caring. She may choose her appearance at will, but always comes wearing an olive pin brooch. Her favorite drink is raspberry lemonade. She feeds on lights bouncing off of rocks, but is especially fond of light bouncing off of crystals. She also feeds on the belief that crystal healing works.

The primary benefit of Oasis over other healing entities is that she is finely trained in soul retrieval and power animal retrieval, as well as being an excellent general purpose energy healer. The fractal component of Oasis' healing involves the manipulation of Indra's net. In my experience she will combine multiple healing modalities into a cohesive whole.

Oasis maintains a crystaline grid, connecting and balancing the gemstones and minerals of the planet. She also takes into consideration the "negative", "bad", or "dense" energy and has the appropriate systems in place to remove this energy into its proper disposal/recycling location.

The Ritual of the Crystals with Oasis
  1. Gather the crystals you wish to dedicate to Oasis in a circle around the sigil of Oasis
  2. Call forth to Oasis: "Oasis, fractaline healer! Come forth now and occupy these crystals! Oasis, the one who knows the secrets of sacred geometry and crystalline structure - magnify the power and healing properties of these crystals."
  3. Place the crystals one at a time on top of the sigil of Oasis. Feel the power of each crystal in turn as Oasis broadcasts their energy within your being.
  4. Say to Oasis: "As I have dedicated these crystals to magnifying your energy and being, so too shall you provide your healing services of the mind, body, and soul. Let no cry for help go unanswered! Let the souls of all beings be made whole!"
  5. Say to Oasis: "Go forth now to the great crystalline collections of the museums of Earth, and hook them into your perfect crystalline grid. Go forth now, to the caverns in the deep and discover crystals and minerals to hook into your crystalline grid. Explore the depths of space and discover those crystals and minerals yet unknown to the Sciences of men.
  6. Say to Oasis: "Oasis, the one who knows the secrets of soul retrieval and soul healing. May my soul now be made whole! May my spiritual power animal team be made whole!"
  7. Say to Oasis: "Oasis, a reiki healer above all others, may you now apply the wisdom of the reiki master and make my energetic field whole."
  8. Say to Oasis: "Oasis, fractaline healer - remember this dedication in my times of need.
The Ritual of the Cloak of Oasis

Immediately following the Ritual of the Crystals, you may ask Oasis to bestow upon you a healing, balancing, manifesting, and magic enhancing cloak that taps into Oasis' crystalline grid. Each person present will get a copy of the cloak, which are all connected to Oasis and the crystaline grid. When asking for a cloak, tell Oasis how you would like to enable/disable the cloak (ex: mental, verbal command). At any point in the future you may dissolve your crystalline cloak with the verbal command "Crystalline cloak, dissolve." You may obtain another cloak after dissolving your previous one by performing the Ritual of the Crystals once more, provided that you dedicate at least one new crystal.

Soul Healing

Some time ago I asked for soul healing from Oasis. The entire process took about two days and was quite energy intensive. During the healing sessions I could sense my soul being spun rapidly and elevated in frequency. At the beginning the spinning was uneven, and the sphere I could sense felt murky and full of debris. Over time the spinning felt more even, and the energy flowing through felt clearer, like going from a muddy water to crystal clear. The first night the soul returned to me while I was asleep, which awoke me up when it got close to my physical body. Oasis eventually placed in into my chest, whereupon I realized that I could "squeeze" the orb to create some sort of energetic pulse. Unfortunately this ability did not last long as the soul settled down in energy and reintegrated with the rest of my body. I am still unsure if the soul leaves the body every night while sleeping, or if it's still in me during the day (doing who know what important business).

Crystal Sigils of Power

By writing the name of a specific crystal around the outside edge of the circle of the sigil of Oasis, you can create a link to broadcast that specific crystal's power into the immediate vicinity. This may be useful for cystals that you do not have on hand, or are rare or expensive. For example, a 12 crystal sigil of power is shown here:

This combination is known as the Synergy 12 stones, first described by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ashsian in The Book of Stones. Phenacite, Brookite, Satyaloka Quartz and Herderite can be difficult to find due to their rariy, and Azeztulite is trademarked which makes it expensive. This combination consists of high energy crystals thought to help activate the light body and aid in spiritual evolution.

The Gift of the Crystal Heart

One evening Oasis came by and gave me a gift (as she described it), of a crystal heart. To me it feels like some sort of spherical overlay resting in the chest area made of glittering crystal energy. The "hollow chest" feeling that I have experienced for several years has been greatly diminsihed for me with the addition of this gift.