Emerald Evocation

The God of the Godless

The God of the Godless is a servitor designed to feed on the belief that the physical Universe is all that exists. He has a strong liking in particular for Atheists and Agnostics. He also feeds on the internal energies of the Earth, as well as the energy inherent in big cities where large amounts of the godless like to inhabit. He is a jovial figure who wishes to bring spiritual experiences to those godless people. His goal is to provide good fortune as well as spiritual and synchronistic experiences to the non-spiritual. He tenderly guides these people to the path of spiritual enlightenment. He is well known for communicating with things like angel numbers and other synchronistic experiences. He also frequently appears in dreams of the godless, and delivers prophecies about their future or about world events. His appearance is a wise older man, wearing a white robe and a red cape. He bears models of the Sun and Earth where appropriate. His sigil is an atom with the symbol of the Earth in the center.

The God of the Godless may also assist in guiding atheists and agnostics to the afterlife if there is nobody there to guide or greet them after death.