Emerald Evocation


Information, when you need it

This servitor seeks access to available sources of knowledge, cross references the information across multiple sources for truthfulness/correctness, and disseminates the information to those who need it, when they need it.

This servitor may take specific requests for information and uses methods available to it to get the information to you.

This servitor may send information in messages across time, to distribute at points in the past or future so that the information arrives to you when you need it.

For entities in the physical world, the preferred method of information distribution is also physical sources, so that information transfer is clear and unambiguous.

You may use this servitor so that in the future all information that you seek will flow to you with great ease. This information may come in the form of "synchronistic" type experiences for those in the physical realm. You may request to the servitor to disable or cancel this ability. To achieve this information flow, see the attunement ritual below.

A good servitor to use for the development of claircognizance.

The Flow of Information: Attuning to EurekaNet

Materials needed:

  • The sigil of EurekaNet on a fresh sheet of paper
  • A Representation of knowledge. This can be a textbook, dictionary, or an open Wikipedia webpage.

Ritual Steps:

  1. Opening:
    • Place the sigil of EurekaNet on top of your Representation of Knowledge.
    • Focus your attention on the sigil of EurekaNet.
    • Speak the following: "EurekaNet, the conduit of knowledge, I call upon your presence this sacred day. From every source, let information flow, enriching my understanding, helping me know."
  2. Imaginative Flow:
    • Close your eyes and visualize a vast, limitless space in your mind.
    • See yourself standing in the center of this space, surrounded by a web of interconnected pathways.
    • Envision streams of information flowing towards you from every direction.
    • Imagine these streams taking the form of colors, symbols, or words, representing the diverse sources of knowledge.
    • Allow yourself to be open and receptive to this influx of information, knowing that EurekaNet will help you discern and utilize it effectively.
  3. Invocation (Optional):
    • Extend your awareness towards the sigil of EurekaNet
    • Imagine a radiant energy linking you and EurekaNet together, merging your consciousness with its essence.
    • Feel the connection strengthen and the flow of information becoming more focused and accessible.
  4. Closing:
    • Say the following: “I have found it! EurekaNet, thank you for your presence and the knowledge that you share. As our paths intertwine, let wisdom and insight manifest.”


Directly after the creation of EurekaNet, one of the coauthors on a paper that I previously published messaged me with a new insight into how to improve our results. This was of great help and will most likely lead to a future publication. I have also observed an increase in information delivered synchronistically. For example, I will think about a problem and shortly later I will come across an article on an online forum that directly addresses the issue in question.